/* CloudGoing loadScript Module Cached. */ function sendVerificationCode(vType, vAction, exData, btnObj) { processing('正在处理,请稍候...'); var delay = 0; var cmd = 'close'; $.get('/process.aspx?c=sendvcode&vt=' + vType + '&va=' + vAction + '&' + exData + '&' + new Date(), function (rdata) { var rmsg = rdata.split('|'); if (rmsg[0] == "0") { rdata = '您的验证码已经发送成功!如果3分钟内没有收到验证码,请尝试重发!'; delay = 3000; resendCountDown(parseInt(rmsg[1]), btnObj, $(btnObj).val()); } else if (rmsg[0] == "-1") { switch (rmsg[1]) { case "Invalid username or email": rdata = "请输入正确的用户名或邮箱地址!"; break; case "Mobile is not verified": rdata = "您的手机号码还未通过短信验证!"; break; case "Email is not verified": rdata = "您的电子邮箱地址还未通过验证!"; break; case "Email vCode disabled": rdata = "邮件验证功能已禁用!"; break; case "SMS vCode disabled": rdata = "短信验证功能已禁用!"; break; case "Time limited": rdata = "每" + rmsg[2] + "秒只能发送一次验证码!"; break; case "Invalid vtype": rdata = "无效的验证码请求方式!"; break; case "Invalid action": rdata = "无效的验证码请求动作!"; break; case "Invalid email": rdata = "您输入的电子邮件地址不正确!"; break; case "Invalid mobile": rdata = "您输入的手机号码不正确!"; break; case "Email exists": rdata = "您输入的电子邮件地址已经存在!"; break; case "Mobile exists": rdata = "您输入的手机号码已经存在!"; break; case "Invalid_graph_vCode": rdata = "您输入的图形验证码错误!"; break; default: rdata = rmsg[1]; break; } } else if (rmsg[0] == "-2") { var imgUrl = '/page.aspx?c=imgcode&t=sendvcode'; rdata = '
'; } showResults(rdata, delay, cmd); if (rmsg[0] == "-2") { var cInput = $("#processing").find('.text:first'); cInput.focus(); $("#processing").find('#sccImg').click(function () { $(this).attr('src', imgUrl + '&' + new Date()); }); cInput.keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { exData += '&vcode_graph=' + cInput.val(); sendVerificationCode(vType, vAction, exData, btnObj); } }); } }); } function resendCountDown(cTime, btnObj, yBtnValue) { var obj = $(btnObj); if (cTime < 1) { obj.removeAttr("disabled"); obj.val(yBtnValue); } else { obj.attr("disabled", "disabled"); obj.val("(" + cTime.toString() + ")秒后可重发"); cTime--; setTimeout(function () { resendCountDown(cTime, btnObj, yBtnValue) }, 1000); } } function getCouponError(rmsg, code) { var rdata = rmsg[1]; switch (rmsg[1]) { case "Invalid coupon code": rdata = '您输入的优惠码无效!'; break; case "The coupon code is only use for monthly payment": rdata = '优惠码只能用于套餐的月付形式!'; break; case "Exceeds the limit": rdata = '您输入的优惠码已超过使用次数限制!'; break; case "Exceeds the per user limit": rdata = '当前优惠码每人只能使用' + rmsg[2] + '次!'; break; case "The coupon code is expired": rdata = '您输入的优惠码已过期!'; break; case "Current product is not allowed to use the coupon code": rdata = '当前产品套餐不允许使用优惠码!'; break; case "Your user group is not allowed to use the coupon code": rdata = '您的用户级别不允许使用优惠码!'; break; case "The coupon code is only use for " + rmsg[2] + " months payment": rdata = '优惠码仅能用于[' + rmsg[2] + ']个周期(月/天/小时)'; break; case "The coupon code is only use for amount more than": rdata = '优惠码仅能在总金额大于' + rmsg[2] + '的时候使用!'; break; case "The coupon code can not be used to order new services": rdata = '优惠码不能用于购买新产品服务!'; break; case "The coupon code can not be used to renew services": rdata = '优惠码不能用于续费产品服务!'; break; case "The coupon code can not be used to upgrade services": rdata = '优惠码不能用于升级产品服务!'; break; default: rdata = rmsg[1]; break; } rdata = rdata.replace('优惠码', '优惠码[' + code + ']'); return rdata; } function applyCode(couponType) { clearCouponCode(0); var code = $("#couponcode").val(); if (code == '') { $("#ccdes").html('请输入正确的优惠码!'); return false; } $("#couponcode").val('Loading...'); $.get('?c=ajax&dt=couponcode&p1=' + code + '&p2=' + couponType + '_' + productID + '_' + billingMothod + '_' + billingCycle + '_' + userData[0].utype + '_' + normalPrice.toFixed(2) + '&' + new Date(), function (rdata) { var rmsg = rdata.split('|'); if (rmsg[0] == '0') { var fPrice = normalPrice; var couponConfig = $.parseJSON(rmsg[1]); var discount = parseFloat(couponConfig["discount"]); if (discount > 1) fPrice = fPrice - discount; else if (discount > 0 && discount < 1) fPrice = fPrice * discount; if (discount == 0) { $("#couponcode").val(''); rdata = '当前产品不使用优惠码!'; } else if (fPrice <= 0) { $("#couponcode").val(''); rdata = '当前价格过低不能使用此优惠码!'; } else { $("#suwin .finalPrice").html(fPrice.toFixed(2)); $("#suwin .normalPrice").html('原始价格: